Monday, March 31, 2008

Choosing Simplicity.... again

Choosing.... Choices.... How do I spend my time, my money, my energy? What emotions do I nurture? What attitudes to I hold, what words do I say??? Oh, so many choices and you know as much as I would like to pass the buck, I can't... It stops right at me!

I am participating in a wonderful bible study ("Life management" by Elizabeth George) with my weekly "mom's group" that meets at my house. We are on week 2 and it is just what I need.... kind of a spiritual kick in the ___! It has all been about PRIORITIES and making God #1! If we do that, then the rest will fall into place! Not majoring on the minors and giving our best, our first, to the word of God!!!

I have asked this special group of friends to hold me accountable. I have made a chart that I will keep track on and have asked them to initial it each week after they read it. I have also asked my hubby to make sure I am up by 5:30 am.... he is an EARLY riser (usually no later than 5am without an alarm)! Getting up earlier than the kids gives me time to shower, spend time with Chris and get in the word *before* life with 4 children starts! I must get my mind/emotions/choices lined up with God and then HE can guide me through the craziness of the day with HIS strength!! I am soooo blessed to have this amazing group of ladies! We have bonded and can be honest with each other. We trust each other and love each other!

If you don't have a group like this I challenge you to start one!!! That is what I did! About a year and a half ago I was lonely and needed a real life group of friends that all loved the Lord. I just made phone calls and invited women to participate.... I had a wonderful response. I was the only common link... the other women didn't know each other. Women are hungry for relationships that go beyond the superficial..... I challenge you to pray and then reach out!!! You will be blessed! Be an honest, open, trustful friend! Love, show compassion, be real! Open up your home (no it does not have to be perfect) and start something that will impact lives!!!

If you have any questions or comments about starting/facilitating a small group please ask!

Have a great day!
I need to get OFF the computer, that is a CHOICE I need to make... less computer time!!!

Choosing what is for supper doesn't have to be stressful!
Check out to take the stress out of "What is for supper?"

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