Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Simply Wonderful!!!!

This "simple living" gal has had some simply stressful days..... YUCK! I tend to struggle during February EVERY year.... I am soooo over winter, but the grip of cold still has a firm hold. I am ready to be outside soaking in the sun getting dirt under my nails as I dig in the garden! I want to escape the four walls and four children (I do enjoy motherhood, but am ready for a BREAK!!!). It has been weeks since I have had anytime alone..... OK, enough with my pity party..... My husband has the weekend off (that in itself is wonderful) and he has offered to stay here with the kids while I get away for the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Grandmother has a condo about 2 hours north of me (she winters in Texas) that is completely available for me to stay at!!!! I am SO OUT of here come Friday evening!!!!!!!! I am going to be refreshed as I sleep, read, pray and praise!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!

It is 5 o'clock.... What is for supper???
To end this daily stress join me at www.simplefamilysupper.com


Marva said...

That is wonderful Heather! May you get the time you so need! Many blessings on you and your journey. Have a wonderful time! Blessings!!!!!

ADMIN said...

It sounds heavenly! Enjoy your time away. i could use a mom's day out myself.