Thursday, July 17, 2008

Aaahhhh......... and.... Ouch!!!!

Aaahhh..... Do you remember the feeling you had when you handed in your LAST final exam of the semester??? That totally "Free" feeling?? Well, that is how the oldest two kids and I are feeling!! We turned in the last of the 4-H projects last night.... a total of 12! YEAH!! I am really proud of my children... they worked hard and learned a TON!! Pictured is Wes' computer poster..... The fair opens on Saturday!!! The kids can't wait to see what ribbons they get... I know already that they got the longterm prize... knowledge and experience!

Ouch!!!! I am feeling that great muscle burn from a fantastic workout! I did something I have NEVER done before: I ordered a workout system from an infomercial!!! Can you believe it?? I can't hardly believe it myself! I saw it 3 weeks ago.... wrote down "Barry's Boot Camp" on a 3*5 card and hung it on my fridge. I prayed about it and WAITED! I am not into impulse spending (when it comes to more than $5). I finally took the plunge... the set got here this morning (at 8:20) and I have already worked out (9:45)! This is going to be GREAT!!!!!!! It is just my kind of workout.... I HATE dance style aerobics of anykind.... this is separate exercises that you do for just 1 minute each!!! Yeah, I can do anything for ONE minute!!! I have a stationary bike that I used FAITHFULLY to loose ALL of my baby weight between #3 and #4 and I rode it my entire pregnancy with #4.... now I can't stand the thing... anyone want it???? I really want to get toned up... any weight loss would be a bonus, but not necessary. I want MUSCLE!!!!!!! (Not that I am a wimp... I can handle 5 gallon buckets of water 3 times a day for the pigs and I can load and unload 50 pound bags of feed.... I would just like some muscle tone all over... especially in the ab area!)

Well, I am off to CLEAN my house!!! It really needs some attention!



tammi said...

Cool! I'm hoping to find a few work-out routines for fall/winter (especially the months when hubby's gone and I can't leave the girls in the house by themselves to go for a walk) that don't involve dancing, too. Not that I don't like them, it's just not really my thing. I need to feel angry and/or powerful if I'm going to be motivated to continue, so something called BOOT CAMP or KICK-BOXING is definitely more my thing!!! Must check this out.

Hope your kids do well this weekend! I'd say, "good luck" but their hard work has already been done and luck will have nothing to do with them winning!

Technonana said...

Congrats to the Kids for finishing their projects!!!
The Valley Girl, designed a way to clean house and exercise, too... of course she walks most days... I would like to have time to do that!!
Keep up the good work!!