Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Got any Giants in your life???? Peace in the midst of stress part 2

Giants like health challenges, financial struggles, job challenges, relationships, family issues, confusing situations, bondage, longings, needs, marriage problems, exhaustion, loss, and the list could go on and on! Go here to read part one.

What are we to do when these giants loom in front of us and make us feel so weak, helpless and overcome?? Stand up to them!!!!!!!!! Tell your giants what GOD has to say! With God ALL things are possible. Don't focus on your giant and listen to it bully you! God never promised that life would be a smooth sail without any challenges, but He does promise to be with us, to never leave us or forsake us. He has OVERCOME this world!!! He has victory for you!

This song goes out to Michelle, Erica and the rest of us facing a giant. Remember that we serve the SAME God that helped David slay the giant!
I would be happy to agree with you in prayer. Feel free to leave me a comment or email me.



Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

Wow. Did I ever need THIS today. Thank you so much...to know that you are agreeing with me in prayer gives me more comfort than you know. I've always liked this song...but today it meant a whole lot more. God is speaking to me...through you and others...thank you for being obedient. xo

Anonymous said...

thank you thank you... strengthening words for a weakened soul... so grateful for your witness! wishing you a peacefilled day :)