Warning: I am very passionate about the following topic! I originally shared this post back in October of 2008, but it totally stands true today. I 100% believe that God gave us a NEED for friendships.Modern life can be very lonely. It doesn't matter if you are a stay at home mom, work at home mom, full time "paycheck" mom or any combination of that.
We live in a RUSHED, busy, fast paced world that squeezes out all of our time, resources and energy. It doesn't leave a lot left for friendships.I am a people person and really enjoy being around others. I find conversation invigorating and inspiring. God has put in me a strong need for relationships. I HAVE to connect with others.
This week I have had the privilege of spending time with TWO different friends. I met for lunch on Monday with my friend, Jackie. Jackie and I have only been friends since spring. She is older than me, but it goes to show that when God is involved in your friendships age doesn't matter at all!
I believe that God has bought us together for a reason... to encourage, inspire and push each other in our personal walks with our Heavenly Father. Today my friend, Brook, came over for a nice visit. We try to get together every other week on Wednesday mornings. We have known each other for almost 9 years... she was pregnant with her first, she now holds her precious baby girl, number 5!
She is such a blessing and encouragement to me. We are both mothers of many young ones and understand each other's challenges and stresses. She was also pregnant at the same time while I was expecting my last two babies. Pregnancy and babies created a bond between us. She is also married to a "Chris". I think that one reason Brook and I get along so well is because we are opposite in so many ways. We always joke that personality wise I am like her husband, Chris, and she is like my husband, Chris! Some of the best qualities of each of our spouses we find in our friendship!
Opposites really do attract in friendships as well as in love.Making time for friendship is important. Life is BUSY and CRAZY, but doing the IMPORTANT things first puts things in the right priority. I value the group of wonderful ladies I meet with for Bible study on Friday mornings more than I could ever express. They are not only wonderful friends, but the
accountability to be in the Bible completing the study is just what I need. My family also participates in a small group Bible Study/fellowship every other Friday evening. We ALL look forward to 'Jordan' Fridays very much. Getting together as families is also very important.
I went through a very lonely time a few years ago... I finally felt the Lord tell me to
stop feeling sorry for myself and to reach out to others and BE a FRIEND! God's principle of sewing and reaping is true in every aspect of our lives. As I put energy and effort into being a friend and reaching out to others God has blessed me with friendship in return. Friendship is a lot like gardening..... I think that I will make that another post! LOL!!
I encourage you, reach out to women around you. Become a friend to someone. They don't have to be just like you, the same age, or have the same lifestyle or hobbies. Some of my good friends live the town life, others live out in the country. I have friends from many different churches, but we all love Jesus. We all have a need for relationship, we all have the need to be valued. Modern life can be lonely.... we can go days without real conversation.
Give someone a call, write a note or invite someone over! Lunch dates, play dates, Bible studies and phone conversations are all possible if we just put out the effort.My best friend, my sister Melissa, lives 50 miles south and is a full time "paycheck" mom. Between distance and time factors we don't see each other as much as we would like, but we make it a point to talk on the phone and email on a regular basis.
Do what works.... be a friend and enjoy friendship!
Ok... off my soap box!!Have a BLESSED day, BE a BLESSING!