Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Enjoying Family... Celebrating Thanksgiving the Old Fashioned way!

Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday.... What is better than Food, Family and celebrating blessings! We have so much to be thankful for and taking time to focus on them is so good for the heart!

This past year the "modern world" has taken a stronger hold in our family life than what we want. Too much TV and internet are the main culprits. So we have decided to celebrate Thanksgiving week 'screen free' and then evaluate how much of it we want back. Focusing on DOING things with each other and enjoying LIFE as God has given us. We are celebrating Thanksgiving in an OLD FASHIONED way.... with the sounds of laughter and conversations, with the activities we do with our hands, enjoying delicious food and building memories!!

See ya in a week.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


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On Purpose said...

Happy Thanksgiving Heather! I know you will enjoy this family time together. Oh and girl you better believe I will be praying for you on this issue...its what us girls have to do...stick together in love and encouragement! Thank you so much for your love,prayers and encouragement!

Michelle said...

How great - I'd be interested in hearing how it goes and what you decide after the screen free week!

tammi said...

I think this is such a wonderful idea! As tough as I think it would be to convince my family to go along with it, I think it's ME who would put up the most resistance. It's easy to say the girls would hate not being able to watch TV or movies, but I'm betting if I actually put my heart into it, they'd have a lot more fun than they do sitting on the couch. I must work towards this kind of a goal. Thanks for the kick-in-the-pants inspiration, Heather!!

I wish you and your family a wonderful week and an undeniably blessed Thanksgiving!

Andrea Cherie said...

We have not had at TV since we got married 3 years ago.

No regrets whatsoever.

We played a board game at our friend's last week and the TV was on the background. I was HORRIFIED by JUST the commercial for Grey's Anatomy...can't even imagine what the actual show is like. Yikes.

My husband commented yesterday that after seeing that commercial it's solidified in his mind that we will never have TV in our home. (Now we do watch movies on our laptop- old classics or G & PG ones.)

I encourage you to really evaluate the "necessity" of TV in your life! (Now giving up the internet...haha...)

Farmgirl Cyn said...

What a wonderful idea! You will most definitely enjoy your time away from the TV and computer!