I have been a little quiet here.... busy living life! So what have I been up to??*Easter weekend with my sister, Melissa, and her family. Plus going up north (1 1/2 hrs) for Easter lunch with family.
* Cleaning the house... laundry ... all that normal stuff!
* Bible study at church
* Running the kids to and from their events (speech, pre-school, football practice, 4-H meetings)
*Robyn's 4th grade musical was last Thursday(VERY well done)!
*Wes' FIRST (ever) football game... he LOVED it... I PRAYED a lot!! Wes is tall for 11 (5'6"), however, he is SKINNY... not even 100 pounds.
*Signed Wes up for 4-H camp. He paid for half of the fee. He will be gone 3 days/2 nights the first week of June.
*Spent Friday with Chris and the little boys. Chris was off so we ENJOYED the 70 degree weather setting up his blind for turkey hunting. It was great to spend the whole day with him!
* Sat around the first camp fire of the year.
*Went FISHING!!! Helped the kids (yes, I will bait the hooks)... the kids caught a large mess of big blue gill.... fish fry coming up!
*"Bedroom contract" with Robyn (Wes chose not to participate). Robyn can keep her room as clean or as messy as she desires (I will not say ONE word), however she has to do all of her own laundry and keep track of all of her own stuff. This contract is good for 3 months. Today she did all of her laundry (plus some others)!
*Baked celebration bread and Chocolate Zucchini cake... yummy!
* Put my "broody" hen in her own pen/nesting box.... hopefully in about three weeks we will have some new chicks!!
* Enjoying the WARM weather.... went on a walk (while the little boys rode their bikes). We have a wonderful walking park that is SAFE for the little ones to ride on.
*Thanked God for all of the BEAUTIFUL flowers blooming in our yard.
*Praised God for His constant provision! He NEVER lets us down!!!!
* Simple Family Supper
* Watched a friend's little girls (ages 4, 2, 4 months) for the afternoon. Enjoyed cuddling a baby and realized how much 'easier' my life is now that all of my children are
"self feeders, self dressers, self poopers" (as my hubby calls it)!
* Visited the library... twice. We really love the library.... Books, videos, DVD's and books on tape.
* Cleaned out the Master Bedroom closet. 3 big bags of clothes to give away.
Ok, now that you have read the longest, most boring blog post in history..... I will sign off!!!Have a GREAT week! Remember that God is FAITHFUL in all things!!!!Have a BLESSED day, BE a BLESSING!