Friday, January 21, 2011

A great way to start off the day.....

The first hour of the day (well, the first hour I am awake) is very special. How that morning hour goes tends to set the stage for the next few hours. I can tell you it is very helpful for me to get up BEFORE the kids... have some quiet alone time to think and pray before I have jump into my role as Mom. I will admit when I over sleep and am forced to jump into mom mode immediately I am far too likely to not be the Mom I want to give my children.

Today we have a two hour delay due to very cold temperatures and blowing and drifting snow. I was able to sleep in a little and still have some quiet alone time before the kids got up! Yeah!! (I'm not naturally a early morning gal so sleeping in till 6:30 was a treat) Connecting with God FIRST really helps me to connect with others (I know... shocking!). :)

This morning I ran across the following prayer on Homespunheart and I printed it off. I think I am going to start praying this on my own and with my children every morning. *I need to write a post about the lessons our family has learned about prayer this year. God is GOOD!

"Lord, here are my hands;
I consecrate them to Thee.
May they never touch anything
that Thou wouldst not have them touch,
or do anything that would dishonour Thee.
And here are my feet;
I dedicate them to Thee.
May they never go
where Thou wouldst not be seen.
Here, Lord, are my eyes.
May they never look upon anything
that would grieve Thy Holy Spirit.
May my ears never listen to anything
dishonouring to Thy Name.
May my mouth never be opened to speak
a word that I would not want Thee to hear.
May my mind never retain a thought or
an imagination that would dim the sense of Thy Presence.
May my heart know no love,
and cherish no feeling that is not of Thee."

~ Oswald J. Smith
"The Man God Uses"

Have a BLESSED day,
What is for supper?? Eliminate this daily stress from your life!

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