Pray BIG! We serve a BIG God so why do we settle for little prayers?? This Family Life Today
broadcast really stirred my spirit and I haven't been able to get it off my mind. I love it when the Holy Spirit uses things like this to shake up my spirit to grow in the ways of God. I have always been a 'prayer', but
this message really challenged me in a FRESH way!!
Pray BIG!!!!!!!What about you?? What BIG things are you praying for? Leave a comment or email me and I will pray along with you. With God ALL things are possible!!!
Right now I am praying for three friends each fighting cancer. God is BIGGER than cancer!!!
These Moms with young children need to live!!!!
Amen. God is bigger than cancer. I am living proof. I was diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer at 25 while pregnant with baby #4. Here I am almost five years later still cancer free and our four year old is doing well.
i just read this post and appreciated the reminder. my husband and i are praying for a baby. we're both dealing with some (comparatively minor) health issues which affect fertility, but we're ready to start our family. instead of getting bogged down with the facts and the medical "chance" that we can/can't conceive, we're trying to constantly remember that our God is so much bigger than these things... that's my big prayer.
Thank you forr being you
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