Monday, August 25, 2008

Updated Website

I have done some updating/revising to my Simple Family Supper website.
Any feedback (constructive criticism welcome) would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Email me.....

I am here, but not *here*!
The last few weeks I have really been feeling the Lord pulling at my heart...
You know the kind of pulling, the kind that you want to ignore!
Well, I am glad that God doesn't give up on us!
Sometimes God has to SHOUT at me!! Yesterday's message at church really confirmed what I have been hearing from God. I can't ignore Him, I really don't want to ignore Him! I really want my life to be HIS vessel!!! During the message yesterday our paster had us write down one of our major worries/stresses/things that consume our thoughts. I wrote down "Trying to be good enough. Trying to make things work." Then he made a BOLD statement: "This is the way that you try to create your own righteousness." OUCH!!! Self righteousness, self importance, being good enough.

For now I will not be blogging. Blogging feeds my approval addiction issues.... I need GOD to provide all of my needs.... not try to have the bloggy world meet some underlying need I have. GOD loves me. Period. I have "tried" to make things happen, and I can NEVER be in peace when I am my own god. I really want my life to be used by God.... HIS way, HIS timing, HIS plan. I need to GET out of the WAY!!! LOL!! I'm sure that you can relate at some level.

I have struggled with "being good enough" my whole life.... frankly I am SICK of it!! I am going to be spending a lot of time soaking up GOD! My internet is going to be used in a different way... I will be listening to GOD'S word... listening to wonderful teachings as I work around the house.

I have some favorite blogs that I will be checking in on.....I have met many wonderful "imaginary friends" (as valleygirl's husband calls bloggy friends) and do plan to stay in touch.
I don't know how long I will be "gone". If God gives me the green light I will be back blogging about what HE wants.
Please feel free to contact me via email.

Bottom line: I want to serve GOD, not myself, not some approval addiction!!!! There are WAY too many COOL people and blogs out there! If I judge myself based on how I "measure up" compared to other blogs then I will NEVER measure up!!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Victory Garden!

We have been ENJOYING the produce from our garden. If feels so good to eat food that God grew right in our own yard. We have had TONS of cucumbers, peppers, green beans and broccoli. The tomatoes are just starting to turn red... soon I will be busy canning tomatoes for winter. We LOVE chili! However, I have one problem: My garden is out of control!!!! Somehow it all ways happens... the weeds get the better of me!!!!!! YIKES!!! You know what I will be doing today...... gaining victory over the weeds!!!!

The oldest kids are back to school today! Wow, summer goes by fast. It is always bittersweet to see them go back to school. They are really growing up and it can be hard on a Mama.... but I am also so proud of them!!! We went in for open house last night... took in school supplies and met the teachers. We are going to have a great year!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If I could just SEW....

This would be on the top of my list!!!
One for me and one for my daughter!
There is just something wonderful about feeling like a pretty girl! I love pretty night gowns!!!
I might just have to learn how to sew one of these days!!!


Good Morning!!!!

Good Morning!!!
I heard a quote once (don't know who said it): "Laughter is the closest distance between two people". I am going to share some laughter today!!! My oldest two go back to school on Thursday... want summer to go out with a fun bang!
Life is hard, but CHOOSING to enjoy it makes it SOOO much better!!!!


Monday, August 11, 2008

Appreciating each other!!

Saturday night the kids spent the night with my Mother-in-law.... they had a wonderful time and hubby and I enjoyed a nice evening out and came home to an empty house.... strange, but wonderful!
Sometimes in the business of everyday life you forget that you love being together! It is easy to loose sight of the romance that brought the two of us together... it somehow gets lost in work, bills, dishes, mowing and kids! I'm so glad we had this time.... I need to make it a greater priority focus on my marriage.... God has given me some ideas, now I need to implement! What kinds of things do you do to keep the fire burning???? Suggestions are always welcome!


Sunday, August 10, 2008


Anything is Possible with GOD!!!!
Don't give up... Don't be discouraged!!!

God will never leave you or forsake you!!!
Give it over to GOD and believe that he will indeed take care of it!!!!
Nothing has to make sense to the human eyes.... it makes sense to GOD!!!


picture from

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Broken down walls....part THREE... with a Frugal Friday twist!

Financial walls:
WALLS! To recap: They provide protections (by keeping things in or out), create boundaries, create an identity. They provide safety, security and freedom. The strength of my walls is directly related to my self-control!!! Start with the first in this series for more on the important "walls" in our lives.

Proverbs 25:28 "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self control."

Self control is the BALANCE of the NOT and the DO.

I am in NO way qualified to teach on finances... I will leave that up to the experts! However, I have learned some valuable lessons relating to self-control and money!!!!!

Over the past few years our family has been attacking our debt and changing our outlook on money. We discovered Dave Ramsey and our life has not been the same since! I do believe what Larry Burket said for years "The way you spend your money says a lot about the condition of your heart."

God, how is my financial wall?? Am I balancing the NOT and the DO? Are my motives right and pure?? We have made so many mistakes in our past! God is full of GRACE and has been with us each and every step of the way as we learn to line up our finances with HIS word!

The SPENDING PLAN requires CONSTANT self-control. It is so easy to fall to weak moments and chip away at the "wall". I have those days that I just don't FEEL like cooking.... I have those days I don't FEEL like paying the bills.... I have moments that I just FEEL like buying a new whatever.... I have days that my thoughts are full of the "If I only had", "If I could just get..", "If only I had more money" "I WANT", "I need", or "I wish...". Retail therapy is a hard habit to break (even if yard sales and goodwill are my shopping of choice)!! Little chips add up to big chunks.

Financial "Walls" need constant PROTECTION.... Self-control is a key way of protecting it. We can't control all of life's curve balls, but we can use wisdom to be as prepared as possible. Eliminating debt, saving up an emergency fund, paying off the house and investing for the future are all things we can do! Walking with self-control is the ONLY way I am going to accomplish these goals.... Exercising self-control in the area of money will make me look different than the rest of America.... Like Dave Ramsey says "Live like no one else, so that later I can live like no one else"!!!

God, continue to give me wisdom each day relating to our finances. Help me to walk in self control. Thank you for being faithful to meet ALL of our needs. Open my eyes to see more clearly the difference between a NEED and a WANT!

For more frugal living posts visit Biblical Womanhood for Frugal Friday.


One BIG way we save money is having a menu plan.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Broken down walls...... Part TWO....

WALLS! To recap: They provide protections (by keeping things in or out), create boundaries, create an identity. They provide safety, security and freedom. The strength of my walls is directly related to my self-control!!! Read the first in this series for more on the important "walls" in our lives.

Proverbs 25:28 "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self control."

Self control is the BALANCE of the NOT and the DO.

How can we practice self control in our daily lives to keep our walls strong??

My day is filled with choices from the moment I wake up till the moment I fall asleep.... choices of what I will NOT do and what I will DO. Will I choose to follow the example of the Proverbs 31 woman who "brings good and not harm, all the days of her life" or the fool that breaks down his walls with his lack of self control??

How does all of this relate to "walls" and self-control???? My flesh wants to do what feels good. My flesh is all about my "feelings". If I don't feel like getting up, if I don't feel like doing the dishes, if I don't feel like balancing the check book, if I don't feel like exercising am I going to do it?? What is it I "feel" like doing..... spending time on the computer? Watching TV?? Reading a book?? Sleeping in or staying up late??

As I look back and read in my journal from January's entry I read: "When I fall into idleness and don't get my routines done this starts to weaken the walls. After enough neglect the walls will fall. The walls are connected and one wall being weakened will weaken the others...domino effect."

Each moment I have a choice: What am I NOT doing? What am I DOING? Is this action bringing good and not harm to my family and home? Is this Idleness? Is this worth my limited amount of time? If the way I spend my time was measured the way financial wealth is measured how would my accounts stand? Am I storing up treasures in heaven or am I filling up my life with earthly pleasures?? Daily, moment by moment I have these choices to make.... self- control... Having control over my self! When I stand before my maker am I prepared to be accountable for the time HE has GIVEN me to invest?? What are the rewards of my "investments" going to be?? What condition are my walls in??

These can be hard questions to answer.... God do I really have to answer this??? I don't FEEL like it!!



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Broken down walls...... Part ONE....

Proverbs 25:28 "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self control."

hmm.... walls, city, self-control??

I have been re-reading through my journal lately.
Something I wrote back in January really jumped out at me.
What are walls?? They provide protections (by keeping things in or out), create boundaries, create an identity. They provide safety, security and freedom. The strength of my walls is directly related to my self-control!!! YIKES! What kinds of "walls" can be broken down in my life if I lack self control?
  • Financial
  • health/physical fitness
  • purity (in thoughts, word and actions)
  • time management
  • education
  • relationships
  • spiritual growth
  • respect
  • peace
  • organization
  • simplicity
  • routines/order
  • priorities
  • balance
What does self control in those ares look like?? Self control is not just NOT doing something, self control is discipline to DO the things that need done. Self control is the BALANCE of the NOT and the DO.

God, what else do you have to say to me about this??

Prov 31:11-12 "Her husband has full confidence in her, and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good and hot harm, all the days of her life."

Prov 31:27 "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."

WOW... God you do have more to say to me about this... directly relating to my daily life!

The Proverbs 31 woman (admit it, we love to hate her!) takes care to protect the "walls" in her life: her home, her husband and her children. She does not reap the consequences of idleness, she lives out the blessings of diligence. If she idled away her time she wouldn't be able to keep the walls up and secure and her husband, her children and her home would suffer harm!

I am not naturally born organized. I am not naturally strong in the area of routine and order! I am a very creative person by nature.... I don't want to do the same thing, the same way every day... BORING! The good news: God is a creative God, but he is a God of order and balance. I can live in self control without becoming a dud. I can find FREEDOM in self control! I can keep the very important walls in my life intact so that I can ENJOY life!! What our flesh wants to reject is really what we NEED! Just like my 3 year old fighting his nap!

How can we practice self control in our daily lives to keep our walls strong?? I will be continuing this post tomorrow and share with you more of what God has been trying to teach me... sometimes I can be a slow learner! Visit here for more Wellness Wednesday posts.

Part TWO


Monday, August 4, 2008

Tour Tuesday!!!

It is time for another edition of "Tour Tuesday"! I haven't done one for a while, but am ready to jump back in. Blogger isn't cooperating.... I can't get any pictures to upload... hope you all have better success! In the spirit of Tour Tuesday go HERE to my previous blog to go on a "tour" of my big 8 point monster buck I got last fall!!! God is SOOO Good!!!!!!

THANK YOU, Tammi, for creating the "Tour Tuesday" button! She knows I am NOT computer savvy!!! She is also the one that made the Simple Family Supper button! It has been a blessing to meet wonderful people through blogging!

Join me in Tour Tuesday! Give us a "tour" of something (anything) in your life and leave a link!
I am looking forward to visiting!


*** Update.... If you read the "monster buck" post you know how wonderful our God is at protecting us! We weren't able to use any meat from that deer.... just too bruised up from the crash.... locally I have gotten to be known as the woman that took out that BIG (record book size) buck with her car! The picture got forwarded and forwarded around in emails! In fact just a couple of weeks ago someone asked me if I was the lady that hit the big buck! Not really the reputation I want... wouldn't mind it if I took it down the "right way"! It has been a great way to share about God's protection in our life.... Turning everything into Good through GOD! ******

Back to schedule.....

Schedules... plans... routines....

I love them and hate them.
I love them because they work.
I hate them because they are boring.

I'm not good at sticking with them.

Bottom line: I NEED them! With a home, a family of six, animals, a business and other activities a schedule is what keeps me organized and not forgetting. My family NEEDS me to have a good way to keep organized! I have to be flexible with my schedule not limiting myself to exactness! I have to keep it from getting boring or I'm not going to follow it. I'm not a born organized... I am a SHE (sidetracked home executive... see flylady). I have to see how it is going to help me, not limit me. Kind of like a budget... all restrictions and no fun is way to limiting and I am going to blow it. I have used a weekly planning sheet since my college days. I just tweaked it a little to include my blogging schedule. What kind of weekly plan do you use? What calendar system do you use. We also have a big calendar on the wall that ALL activities go on.... if it is not written down it will NOT happen. Are you a schedule lover or like me, someone who acknowledges my need for them without saying I love it! Tell me about your system... I am always ready to learn!

I would be happy to share my weekly chart that I created to organize my life.... I just need help to do that .... how can I show a word or pdf document? I have NEVER claimed to be computer savvy! Thankfully I have a great computer dude that does all the behind the scene things for Simple Family Supper! Without him I would be sunk!


Picture from

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Smile.... I tell my self as I am splattered AGAIN by our 3 pigs. Pork Chop, Ham and BBQ are getting BIG! Not too much longer till they are in the FREEZER rather than in their MUDDY pen. Being that this is the first time I have ever raised pigs (even though when I was born my parents owned a VERY large hog operation) I didn't know that pigs shake off mud like a wet dog! YUCK!! We have had such a wet summer (blessing for the garden) that the pigs have lived constantly "as happy as a pig in mud" all summer! Next year the pigs will be on CONCRETE!

The chickens are doing well.... we have lots of eggs to go with our soon HAM!

Update: As I posted earlier I purchase "Barry's Boot Camp" workout. How do I like it you wonder? LOVE it!!!!!!! It is a fantastic workout.... Ok... it sort of kicked my xxxxxx the first few times, but it is already much easier. Part of it is the learning curve of any new workout the other part is that results are FAST! I know I am getting stronger already! I am not trying to loose weight (although 10 pounds would be a bonus) so my priority is muscle strength and toning. I would probably have to give up my daily ice cream and fountain Coke to loose some weight.... I love that each exercise is ONE minute long and that is all! With other work outs I always would wonder and wonder how long I would have to do this thing.... I can handle anything for ONE minute!!

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