Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My son's fight is just not his own!

Leukemia has brought out the best in our community!  God has showered his love to our family through so many people being the hands and feet of Jesus in our life!  This week is "Wes Week" at his local high school.  BLESSED does not begin to even describe how we feel.  As a mom with a son fighting this cancer it absolutely melts my heart to see the ARMY of people fighting alongside my son!!


Here is a TV news report about my son and his school's "Wes Week".....  I thought that some of you might be encouraged by my son's Million Dollar Smile, and the love that shines through on this video.

Here is the link to Wes' Caring Bridge site if you would like to follow his journey to VICTORY!! 

Have a BLESSED day,


  1. Heather,

    You have a link to a TV news report and to a video, but both go to the news report. If the video is something different, you need to change that.

    That said,the news report is worth watching twice. What a good story of a school coming together to support your son. Very inspiring!

    Thank you for sharing this. I'll keep Wes in my prayers.

    Herrick Kimball

  2. I'm impressed by the strong faith of not only your son, but your daughter and your son's classmates. Our God is bigger. Stay strong.

  3. So glad for the update - it reminded me to keep you all in our prayers. Thank you for sharing, and you're right, you're sons smile is a light!
