Monday, January 16, 2012

"B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G" prayer for my husband

Praying for my husband is one of the most powerful things I can do for him.  Prayer moves mountains.  With God all things are possible.  The enemy does not want us to pray and will work hard to make prayer seem like it really isn't "doing anything".  However, that is far, far, far from the truth.  Prayers move mountains!  When we pray we release God's power. 

Several years ago I heard this prayer outline and I love it!  After I drop off the kids at school I pray (out load..... keeps this attention deficit girl focused) on the way home.  This BLESSINGS acronym has been such a helpful frame work for me.  It covers so much!  I encourage you to set a time each day that praying for your spouse will be come a habitual part of your daily routine.  Your spouse will be BLESSED!!

BLESSING my husband with prayer

B- Body, health, strength, safety
L- Labor, favor and success at work
E- Emotionally, encouragement, joy, peace
S- Spiritual, personal walk and as leader in home
S- Socially, Godly and strong friendships
I- Intimacy in marriage, emotionally and physically
N- Needs, specific
G- Guidance and wisdom, as the leader of home


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Wow that hit home with my husband
